Refund Policy

We ensure to provide the best quality assignments each time our students ask for ‘help with my assignment’ to achieve success. Still, in a very unlikely scenario where our expert writers fail to meet your expectations, you can claim a refund. Our money back guarantee ensures students’ satisfaction over everything. To claim your refund and avoid any misunderstanding kindly go through the following conditions of eligibility that apply for a refund.

Eligibility criteria for a refund:

  1. If our writers fail to comply with the initial requirements of your guidelines even after 5 tries, then you can claim for a refund.
  2. If you miss your deadline due to any mistake on our end or we deviate from the original timeframe of submission then you can ask for a refund or indemnification.
  3. In case a specific result was guaranteed to you which the assignment produced by our writers failed to achieve then a partial refund can be considered based on the situation.
  4. You are required to share a detailed, comprehensive & legit feedback report via email to be eligible for a refund. Our audit team will analyse the report thoroughly confirming your eligibility for a refund.

Circumstances that do not qualify for a refund:

  1. If the initial requirements shared are incomplete or inaccurate from the student’s end, which leads to the final assignment getting low grades, rejection, or unsatisfactory results.
  2. In case the student decides not to use the assignment after getting it custom-made by our experts.
  3. If the student decides to change the content of assignmet by themselves in the work crafted by our expert writers, resulting in a bad grade.
  4. If the student changes their mind after a few hours of placing the order.
  5. If the student does not collaborate actively, being unresponsive to queries and concerns that arise during the production of assignments resulting in a delay or missing deadline.
  6. In case the feedback includes changes in the initial requirement after the project is complete. The revisions are subjected to editing only that are based on your initial scope.

Note: Any significant additional changes that is not mentioned in the initial requirement will be added in the invoice separately. If you fail to pay the additional charges, no further changes will be made and we will not be responsible for any unsatisfactory results.

20% transaction charges will be deducted from your payment in case of a refund.
Contact us via email to send a detailed feedback, ensuring a smooth process.
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